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Medical Centre

Программа «Оздоровительный отдых»

Wellness holidays

Indications for the completion of the program:

  1. Chronic fatigue syndrome
  2. Asthenization of the Central nervous system
  3. Vegetative vascular dystonia

Expected therapeutic effect:

  1. Improving the quality of life
  2. Normalization of sleep
  3. Active wakefulness
  4. Improving the tone
  5. Normalization of hemodynamic parameters (blood PRESSURE, pulse, respiration)

The program includes the following services:

  1. Приём (осмотр, консультация) врача-терапевта
  2. Приём (осмотр, консультация) врача-невролога

Laboratory and instrumental research methods

  1. UAC
  2. OAM
  3. Prothrombin, VSK
  4. ECG


  1. Intake of mineral water 200 ml 3 times a day on an empty stomach
  2. Diet food
  3. Physiotherapy (therapeutic gymnastics, health path)
  4. Physiotherapy (electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, laser therapy)
  5. Balneotherapy (mineral water baths, pearl bath, aroma bath, circular shower)
  6. Swimming pool
  7. Saunas (Finnish, Turkish)
  8. Massage (therapeutic)
  9. Acupuncture
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